sexta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2011

Florbela Espanca in ENGLISH #3

(original Portuguese version) 
Lembro-me o que fui dantes. Quem me dera
Não me lembrar! Em tardes dolorosas
Eu lembro-me que fui Primavera
Que em muros velhos fez nascer as rosas!

As minhas mãos, outrora carinhosas,
Pairavam como pombas... Quem soubera
Porque tudo passou e foi quimera,
E porque os muros velhos não dão rosas!

São sempre os que eu recordo que me esquecem...
Mas digo para mim: "Não me merecem..."
E já não fico abandonada!

Sinto que valho mais, mais pobrezinha:
Que também é orgulho ser sozinha,
E também é nobreza não ter nada.
(by Florbela Espanca in Livro de Soror Saudade, 1923)

(English version by Pedro Éme)
with Rudi's most kind correction
I recall what I used to be before. I whish
Not to remember! In painful afternoons
I recall I was  spring
That, in old walls, grew (made be born)(?) the roses!

My hands, once tender,
Used to hover as doves do… Who could know
Why everything is gone and was a chimera,
And why don't old walls give roses!?

There are, always, the ones I recall those who forget me…
But I say to myself: "They don't deserve me…"
And I don’t remain that abandoned anymore!

I feel I'm worth more, being poorer:
For there is also pride in being lonely,
And is also nobility not to have a thing!
(by Florbela Espanca in Book of Sister Saudade*, 1923)

*saudade = the feeling one feels for departed love ones or moments or something we no longer posses.

3 comentários:

  1. I recall what I used to be before. I whish not to remember! In painful afternoonsI recall I was Spring That, in old walls, grew the roses!

    I feel I'm worth more, being poorer:For theremis also pride in being lonely,And it is also nobility not to have a thing!

  2. Hi Rudi!

    Is this a correction? Yes... I can tell it is!
    Thak you so much!

    why "grew" instead of "made be born" once they're not quite the same thing?

    1. You can grow a flower, grow your hair, you can grow taller or wiser as a person.
      A baby is born, a mother gives birth, an animal is born or gives birth.
      Someone will be born on the 21th of June 2016 or was born in 1934, in medical terms a birth can be induced but someone or something cannot be made born. Hope it helps!
